- Name: Taking European Energy Managers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations
- Project number: 785 032
- LCCI position: Partner
- Total Budget: 1 809 556.25 EUR
- Dates: 1.03.2018.-28.02.2021.
- Programme: Horizon 2020
- Partner countries: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Spain, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Serbia, Turkey
- Web site: https://www.energymanager.eu/en/euremnext-project/
Enriching the well-established EUREM European Energy Manager training program, making it available in new countries to allow more persons to become qualified/accredited experts or upgrade their knowledge and skills, and adding ancillary implementation support activities. Thereby contribute to increasing the quality of energy audit results, the probability of implementation of the recommendations, and ultimately the energy efficiency and competitiveness of the businesses.
Activities and outputs:
- Enrich the training with: 4 new modules in e-learning format on mobility, Industry 4.0, energy audit standards and process, company energy culture, 1 enhanced module with stronger focus on financial topics, 1 new practice module working with the Energy Audit Support Tool to evaluate more complex measures in industry. Test the new training format in 6 countries, where EUREM is already established: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Finland, Greece.
- Transfer the training to 6 new countries where it is difficult to establish without support for preparatory work; run the pilot courses and achieve national accreditation/recognition: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, Turkey.
- Develop and test add-on implementation support activities for trainees and other energy managers who need coaching/ support beyond the training scope or want to practice more, e.g. workshops on energy audits, on convincingly presenting energy measures to decision makers, follow-up on implementation of measures, networking/awareness raising activities including financial sector.
- Conduct communication & dissemination activities including:
- 6 good practice videos of participants' sustainable energy measures,
- 2 conferences to enable exchange of experience of energy managers and auditors, financial sector representatives, trainers, and other experts,
- 2 international Energy Manager Award competitions and national ones in new countries,
- Press releases, classical and social media, newsletters, personal contacts, events.
Lead partner: Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Germany)
Other partners:
- Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Austria)
- German Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Czech Republic)
- Ammattienedistämislaitossäätiö AEL (Finland)
- German-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Greece)
- ESCAN SL (Spain)
- Austrian Institute of Excellence Ltd (Albania)
- Delegation of German Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Estonia)
- Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvia)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)
- DEinteranational Servis Hizmetleri A.S (Turkey)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft - Erneuerbare Energie - Institut Fur Nachhaltige Technologien (Austria)
Lead partner contacts: Stefan Schmidt | Andreas Horneber
LCCI Contacts: Jurijs Dubatovka |