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  • Name: DigiS (Building up Digital Skills Alliance for the Enhancing of Programming Competencies)
  • LCCI position: Partner
  • Total budget: 858’439,00 EUR
  • LCCI budget: 34’081,00 EUR
  • Dates: 01/01/2021-31/12/2023
  • Programme: Erasmus+
  • Partner countries: Czech Republic, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Latvia
  • Project website:

Drones and their software capture images, create maps and 3D models, and analyse data across economic sectors: in agriculture, construction, mining, services, etc. Although drones are one of the most innovative technologies with applications in many industries and business, the related profiles of a drone software programmer or drone operator are still not part of the national qualification systems and the required digital skills are not yet taught under the current VET curricula in many EU countries.

Virtual reality is already one of the top emerging technologies, which is mainly used in the entertainment industry now. However, the VR holds enormous potential outside of entertainment e.g. architecture and construction, healthcare, education, automotive industry, aerospace, manufacturing, tourism, retail and others.

The project aims at Drone and Virtual reality (VR) areas, which are the fastest-growing areas among new smart technologies (Industry 4.0) with huge potential for further development in many sectors with benefit for European economy and society. These two sectors will contribute in creating new business and jobs, protecting environment and improving the quality of life. European drones outlook studies expect: “Within 20 years, the European drone sector is expected to: directly employ more than 100,000 people and have an economic impact exceeding €10 billion per year, mainly in services, (European Commission, Internal Market –

Project objectives:

  1. Create a new European vocational qualification standard for these occupations:
    -) drone programmer & operator,
    -) virtual reality applications programmer & developer.
  2. To develop/improve curricula for the new qualifications, and prepare grounds for the delivery by VET providers;
  3. Pilot the new curricula in the addressed qualification fields to obtain feedback from target groups and assess the quality of the new program;
  4. Obtain recognition of the new qualifications in as many EU countries as possible, to enable international mobility of the workforce and the new curricula integration into the VET programs of public and private VET providers in initial and continuing education;
  5. Evaluate the project pilots and share experience among partners.

Lead Partner:

  • Hospodarska Komora Ceske Republiky (Czech Republic)


  • The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvia)
  • Cambra Oficial De Comerc I Industria De Terrassa (Spain)
  • Tehnologicke Centrum Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky (Czech Republic)
  • Czech VR Agency, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
  • Robodrone Industries s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
  • European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence (Austria)
  • Smichovska Stredni Prumslova Skola (Czech Republic)
  • Estudio Agora SAU (Spain)
  • Slivenska Obchodna A Priemyselna Komora (Slovakia)
  • Spojena skola (Slovakia)


Jurijs Dubatovka
Project Coordinator of EU Projects Department
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
[email protected]
+371 26514077
Kr.Valdemāra str. 35, Riga Latvia, LV-1010